I remember a time long ago when Sunday was the best day of the week. You could go to church and be spiritually enlightened, relax and take a nap if you wanted or read and visit with family. I loved Sunday. Sadly I do not feel the same way anymore. Sundays are now filled with rushing to get everybody ready for church, entertaining children for 3 hours of church, missing nap time for baby which means he's crying all day and whatever other daily stresses we deal with on a day to day basis.
I was already stressed out on Sunday's before moving here and now I find myself being completely overwhelmed when Saturday night approaches. Jacob and I have new callings. He is now the ward clerk which means he has to leave at 7:40am for meetings and I am left to get 3 kids and myself ready and out the door by 8:40am in order to be to church by 9:00. My calling is the primary music leader. This alone stresses me out beyond all reason. I am terrified of this calling. I feel completely inept to do the job properly and I can't stand the thought of everybody watching me and counting on me to teach these children the songs not to mention it is going to take much preparation in order to get the lessons ready each week. I already feel like I don't have it in me to do the regular weekly chores and tasks.
These callings will keep both Jacob and I busy during the church hours so I have no idea what I am going to do with Asher. He is going through a phase where NOBODY besides me can hold him so he will probably end up crying the entire time which will make it hard for me to focus on teaching the music. Also we don't even have a nursery half the time so I might have Jake as well.
After church Jacob has more business to do so we end up waiting for him every other week for over an hour. We have been getting home around 2:00pm. By this time kids are tired, hungry, crying and I'm about ready to lose my mind.
Jacob has been great about letting me take a Sunday nap every week but it's not always as nice as it sounds. I usually can't relax because I can hear kids fighting or baby crying because you can hear everything that goes on in this house and there's no way around it. I would like to fix a nice Sunday dinner but when I'm that tired my family is lucky to even get a grilled cheese in which case I feel guilty for such a lame Sunday dinner.
I know that I am not the only one to go through these types of difficulties each week which is why I have to ask myself why do we do this? We don't get paid to do our callings. We don't get anything spiritually out of it due to putting all our focus on keeping kids quiet and entertained so what's the point? My response to myself is always the same....
I believe in a loving Heavenly Father and his son Jesus Christ. Them alone is more than enough reason for me to continue going to church each week. No amount of sacrifice and hard work on callings will ever pay back my debt to them. They have blessed me with so much in my life and I can show my gratitude by playing my part in this church and doing all that I can to become a better person. My Savior Jesus Christ gave his very life that I may repent of my wrong doings and return home some day to my Heavenly Father.
I can't imagine my life without this gospel. It scares me to even think where I would be without it. I want my children to learn as I did and know what I know so that they too can have the happiness I feel in my life. I go to church so that they can learn and grow in this gospel and know of it's importance. I go so that they can see how blessed we are because of it. I know that some day when they have grown a little more that things will get easier. I may have many gray hairs and wrinkles at a much younger age than I planned but I won't look back and regret a single one of them.