Here's a fun thing to do...
As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember! Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.
OK, I can't just do one, I have to do more. I remember when you were a little Bee and you were in the car going to a Regional game. Becca said, "Kathryn, sing something." And out of this shy thing that never said a word came this great big, beautiful voice. It blew me away!
2. One of my favorite moments with YW was when you made a free throw at the end of a game in Regions. You were just little, and we lost the game by a lot. But you made a basket, and everyone carried you off the floor! It still makes me tear up to think about it.
3. I LOVED the overnighters that we did. They were so much fun! You stepping in snow that went up to your thighs...OK, OK I'll stop.
So, here is my first contribution:
Jake trained me on the mission many years ago. I can still remember vividly waking up and making preparations for the day. We would study and pray and get filled with the Spirit all morning long...and then Jake would hop in the shower. When he was finished he oft ceremoniously rejoiced by walking into our room, removing his towel and dancing in front of our 6' x 8' mirror...much to my dismay.
So yeah, Nakey Jakey is the memory that sticks out in my mind.
- Adam J
Our Wii bowling tournament at the Schuller's house last Summer...three spousal teams. That was fun.
I remember when we were in Ecuador and you first sang, and we were all so shocked at that voice, and we never let you stop singing after that! I remember Noc shifts with you, and good times on the internet messenger with what was his name???...Nate??? And I remember our girls get together at Whits place, and again making you sing....And then your wedding, and how beautiful everything was! Good memories with you kat. Love ya!
Watching Crosby home movies and seeing baby doll Kathryn with her big blue eyes. Now Lily has them and it's so cute! Congrats you crazy mother on being pregnant again! They will be such good friends like you and Becca!
I'm new to your blog and just found this "memory" request. I have lots of memories of you Kat but one came first to mind.
I believe it was thanksgiving break in Kanab because it was chilly outside..I think.. Anyway We were all relaxing inside Grams house watching T.V. The T.V. didn't hold our attention for long, however. could anyone stay put when there was a beautiful horse out in the field waiting for a rider? A few of us slipped out to the cold night to examine the situation. A few moments later we were bareback riding that beautiful horse that belonged to who knows who. We would loose our nerve every few minutes and run back to Grams with our adrenaline pumping. What a great night. oxox
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