Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Famous Profile Shot

So I'm only 18 weeks but I'm poking out far enough that I figured it was time for a profile picture. Both photos were taken by the talented little miss Lily. I'm finally feeling some squirming going on inside and it was fun to see the little critter at my Dr. appointment yesterday. It seems that everyone around me is popping out babies so I get a little discouraged when I think of how far I still have to go however, today I went on a little walk holding a precious little hand in each of my hands and the thought occurred to me that once I have three there will always be one hand I am not holding so I am just going to stop being so impatient and discouraged and enjoy every minute with my two little ones.


Ashley said...

Congrats on being past the " I"m not chubby, it's a baby stage" and now being in the "I finally look prego not fat stage!" (not that you ever would!) I just know that's totally the stage I'm in!
Your cute!

Carol said...

Ahh, cuteness. Quite the talented little photographer you've got.

becca said...

Um, I'm not seeing the huge belly you have been telling me about. I can't even tell you are prego. Sorry.