Sunday, October 17, 2010

Patterson Fruit Farm

Yesterday we went to a cute little farm. It was our first family outing in a long time. Jacob thought it was extremely over priced and maybe it was a little but it was still fun to get outside. It was basically just a bunch of slides although the kids really enjoyed them. Above are the kids and I sliding on the big one.
Here is Lily just looking cute
This is Jake falling down a slide
Lily and Jake in an Indian teepee
Jacob pushing the kids on a cart
Jacob and Lily walking through a corn maze that was extremely muddy. We had to cut through the corn to get out. Jake fell down a couple times and we all got pretty muddy.
Jake hiding in the corn

My favorite part about the farm was the all you can eat apples. They were so fresh and sweet.
Here is Jake (the hater of food) taking a bite. I was impressed that he even took a bite.
Here he is spitting it out and getting ready to wipe it on his shirt
And here he is throwing it in t he trash


Kristine said...

What a cute farm! Unfortunately, most activities these days are overpriced but it's worth it when the kids are having fun! Cute pics, too. The Jake vs. Apple shots make me laugh!

Ashley said...

Oh my word I just finished reading my best friend from growing up post, and she went to the patterson farm too. Maybe you guys live by each other?!

I love all the pics, so cute!

LafeNLacy said...

I'm so glad you guys went! It is such a beautiful place -- totally worth the money to relax and let the kids play. (Way better than 15 minutes at a playground!)