Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year's Resolutions

Do you make New Year Resolutions? I seem to have trouble actually fulfilling mine (strange, I know, and highly uncommon, I'm sure). I thought by posting them on the blog, our readers could help remind me occasionally to do them. Here we go:

1. Finally get the last tattoos of my ex-girlfriends' names removed.
2. Trim toe nails more than once a quarter.
3. Stop giving Kat reasons to beat me.
4. Limit Nintendo time to 40 hours a week.
5. See a doctor about my mole.
6. Break my addiction to chlorox.
7. Change a diaper this year.
8. Let Kat win at least one game a month when we play together.
9. Eat at least three servings of vegetable per week.
10. Meet the families I home teach.


Becky said...

very nice!!!

Rosalee said...

I love them! Good luck fulfilling them, especially # 7.

Carol said...

Addiction to clorox? That's a new one. Hey,ah,good luck with these.

Michal Thompson said...

Those the the best kind of resolutions, ones you know you can keep. I might have to copy you! i haven't written mine down yet. SO room to change

Marilyn said...

interesting goals! Do you really have taatoos? Good luck.

Adam said...


Teh Jake, like you've ever had a problem with home teaching (#10)...I was of the understanding that historically, you thoroughly enjoyed your home teaching visits. =)