Friday, March 19, 2010

1 Year Checkup

I couldn't put this on the last post because he didn't have his appointment till today. As of now Jake is almost walking. He says Mama, Dada, baba and can sign more and all finished. He will try to imitate everything you do. He weighs a little over 19 pounds which is in the 7th percentile. This was not good news. His weight gain has not been increasing in the last couple Dr. visits because I can't get the darn kid to eat. He had some extra blood work done because of it and has been put on a diet of 2 bottles of pediasure per day along with anything else I can get him to eat that is super high in fat. He has another appointment in 6 weeks to see if he is gaining and if he's not then they will have to take more extreme measures. (whatever that means) Personally I think he's just fine. Anyway here is a cute video of the little guys. He gets pretty excited about walking. Sometimes he can't contain his excitement so he loses his balance.


Britley said...

I think it's funny that the doctor is that worried if you think he's normal. Our little Jake just hit 20 lbs and he's almost a year and a half old. At his 1-year check-up, he was way under the chart. Like negative percentile. Gotta love those picky eaters, huh?

Michal Thompson said...

Don't worry, most of the time they are just fine. They are just at that stage where they realize they can be picky.