Wednesday, October 28, 2009


We decided to carve pumpkins for FHE this week. Lily was soooooo excited to do it. After Jacob cut the top and pulled it out Lily was disgusted and wanted nothing to do with it.

Drawing the face
kissing while cleaning out the insides
The finished product. Lily wanted circle eyes, a triangle nose and square teeth. I did my best to pull it off. Jacobs is much better. Lily was also scared of the pumpkins after they were finished. She liked them much better with the lights on and no candles.
This video shows how Lily was grossed out and afraid. She is so funny.


lori said...

ooooooooo, cool pumpkins, guys!!

And I've been meaning to say thank you to Jacob, protector of teeth everywhere, for your comment about the pending decay of Lucy's healthy teeth should we continue in our heathen milk-at-night ways...

I let her read your comment and guess what? No more milk before bed! She never asks for it. I'm not sure whether I'm happier for her teeth or for my extra five minutes every evening! =) (I mean, of course I'm happier for her healthy teeth!)

Thanks a million, Jake!
Happy Halloween to your cute family!

Rosalee said...

Fun pumpkins! Lily cracks me up! I love her little voice. She's so cute.

Ashley said...

What fun! I LOVE HALLOWEEN, it's the best. Your pumpkins are adorable. and hey...what's the DL on the decaying teeth from milk? I need some insite too. :)

Carol said...

Those ARE kinda spooky pumpkins!

Jacob said...

Ash (or Caleb),

Kids that have milk last thing before bed, especially after brushing, or at higher risk for early cavities. The milk pools around the back teeth and can cause rampant decay. No good.

Becky said...

Jacob you are so silly, we craved pumpkins last night and I don't know how you smeared that all over your face.

Emily said...

I can't believe how big and sweet Lily is! And I think Kathryn looks beautiful!