Thursday, October 29, 2009

For Grandma Crosby

One fall memory I have from my childhood is that whenever my mom and I would go on walks she would always go out of her way to walk through the dead fallen leaves because of the crunch sound it made. Lily also loves that sound. She calls it "walking through the trees."Here is a little video for Grandma.


Carol said...

That is so precious! I loved the crunching sound just from the video and realized that I haven't hiked up the canyon for awhile and have missed out this year on my favorite thing in the whole world to do--hike in fallen leaves. Thanks Lily! Just as soon as this snow melts, and things dry out, I'll try it. Hope the leaves still crunch and aren't just soggy and wet.

shiloh said...

That was super cute! I love how she'll say whatever you ask her to. :)